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Why you need an Operator Controlled Discharge Chute?

Make your life easy by incorporating a discharge chute that operates by a twist of your hand. It is best to have operator-controlled discharge chutes, also known as OCDC. OCDC not only allows you to control the discharge flow but also helps in retaining the glow of your manicured landscape.

Nobody likes an unsightly appearance, of extra discharge, near the flower beds or a perfectly trimmed sidewalk. The clippings and debris destroy the look of the landscape and make it unattractive for the onlookers. So, instead of spending your additional time, after mowing, in  cleaning the flower beds, sidewalk,and driveways;  try using the OCDC that allows you to be more efficient and in control of the mower discharge. 

The operator-controlled discharge chute is a long-term investment with fruitful results in the future. It is easy to store and clean the mower accessories . 

What is an Operator Controlled Discharge Chute?

Operator-controlled discharge chute allows the operator to control the debris flow while you mow around the lawn. The operator can temporarily close off the deck’s discharge opening to keep the debris out of the sidewalks, driveways, and flower beds. When the discharge chute lifts, a barrier is created through a close plate to hold the debris in the chute itself. The operator can access it by a single plate lever and the quick conversion makes everyone’s life easier. 

With the Scag operator-controlled discharge chute, you can work efficiently to deliver quick and promising results. It ensures a custom-engineered fit for outstanding performance. 

The complete discharge chute on the deck ensures safety while mowing. The machine’s handle design and structure are crafted to  provide  easy access and good grip to the operator.

Normal Discharge position:

Apart from enjoying the velocity, you can experience the deck’s ability to discharge far and wide from its normal discharge position; implying that the discharge chute is open while you are mowing the lawn. At this time, the discharge of the cut grass will fall off the chute. 

Discharge closed-off position:

The closed-off discharge position is when the operator has closed the exit of the discharge chute with the help of a single plated lever. This is done without stopping the mowing machine, thus  not hampering the process  while you switch positions of your discharge chute.

How well does it work?

The operator-controlled discharge chute is a blessing in disguise for lawnmowers. The functioning is smooth as the operator can access it easily with the help of a lever. The lever helps control the command of the chute blocker. You can easily order the chute blocker online and store it in your garage.

The deflector plates provide proper spacing to prevent any stone from flying off the deck, avoiding any mishap with the mower or nearby walker. The airflow facility does not entirely  allow the discharge chute to block itself when set in the closed position.

The right choice for you

The discharge chute is designed in such a way that it fixes with different kinds of mowers quickly. Go ahead and order the best chute blocker online to experience the comfort and ease that the discharge chute provides. It saves a lot of time and is efficient in maintaining the lawn grass.

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