It's warming up out there! Get your mowers outfitted with Green Guards before the grass really starts growing!


The Green Guard [HD]:  Heavy Duty.  Our biggest motor.  Custom gear motor with Steel Gear.  US made.  Fits most mowers with 48" deck or larger.  Clears deck when fully open.  Replaceable motor components.  Guard and Extension Plate twice as thick as Standard Duty Model. Speed - 50 rpm.



The Green Guard 'SLIM [HD]':  Same motor and components as HD model, except motor is mounted vertical to fit on tighter 36 and 44 inch mower decks.  Guard is shorter with extension piece to allow it to open further before contacting motor casing.  Depending on mower, may not clear deck when fully open.  



The Green Guard [Mini - HD]:  Wiper Motor used on Tractors and Construction Equipment.  Brass Gear.  Made in Spain.  Smaller motor for an easier fit on smaller 32 and 36 inch mower decks.  Clears deck when fully open.  A little savings vs. HD model.  Other than motor, all components same as HD model.  Motor parts not available.  A little slower speed for finer positioning - 40 rpm.  


The Green Guard 'SLIM [Mini - HD]':  Same motor and components as Mini model, except motor is mounted vertical to fit on the most space constrained applications.  Guard is shorter with extension piece to allow it to open further before contacting motor casing.  Depending on mower, may not clear deck when fully open.



The Green Guard [SD]:  Standard Duty.  Worm Gear Motor used in various applications.  Brass Gear.  Made in China.  Our smallest motor for Homeowner and Light Commercial Use.  Clears deck when fully open.  Other than the motor, guard, and extension plate, the rest of the components are the same as our other units.  Motor parts not available (New Motor only $49).  40 rpm for finer positioning.


The Green Guard 'SLIM [SD]':  Same motor and components as SD model, except motor is mounted vertical to fit on the most space constrained applications.  Guard is shorter with extension piece to allow it to open further before contacting motor casing.  Depending on mower, may not clear deck when fully open.



Optional Adders: No-Drill Kits, Dust Blocker, Battery Kits.